Welcome to a brand new week and day. Last Saturday we had our first workshop for the year; it was on goal setting and was a major success. Most of the feedback we got was that a lot of the participants didn’t realise prior to attending that there is an art and a science to goal setting. Something else most of them said was that the exercises were very intense and demanding for them mentally. My response was yes, because we were thinking through our year ahead and that should definitely be tasking.
On to today’s post, I have learnt in my journey as a Leaderpreneur that to succeed in any worthwhile endeavour it is important to begin with the end in sight. Now what does this mean? Is this new business or leadership thinking? Well, not really, it is something that has stared us in the face all along. Take for instance when people want to build a house, they go through the planning stage of drawings; both architectural and engineering, then they move on to determining what they require to achieve the end result of the building they want and so on. To properly determine this, they engage Quantity Surveyors and such like.
All of this is in a bid to ensure that the surprises along the way are minimal and that they stay focused on the important stuff along the journey. So imagine that your 2014 is a building – your dream house actually, won’t it be wise to ensure that you not only know what the finished product will look like, but also know what it will take to accomplish it?
That is why taking the time, if you haven’t already done so to ensure that you know where you are headed this year, will benefit you in the long run. You can determine how your 2014 will end by taking the time this early in the year to ensure that you articulate what you want to do and then set your plans in motion to ensure you follow through. Here are a few tips on how to determine your outcome.
1. Review your past year – take your learning from it, tie up the loose ends and close it out in your sub conscious. (See my post on Look back to Move Forward)
2.Do a list of all your important life accounts ( areas of priority in your life) and go through a honest assessment process to determine where you need work. (Zig Ziglar’s Wheel of Life is a great resource for this).
3.Do a list of your goals regarding each of those accounts and find your key motivations on each account. (your key motivators are your strongest reasons why you want to achieve that goal).
4.Get yourself an accountability partner to encourage and help you keep going along the journey.
5.Review your goals on a regular basis; daily or weekly depending on what your work schedule allows.
Folks it will be foolhardy to go through the year hoping that things will work out when it is in our control to determine what outcomes we want to have at the end of the year and actually do the work to arrive at those outcomes.
Because of the demand from those who attended the Workshop last weekend asking that we hold another to give their loved ones the opportunity to attend, we have one more this Saturday before we move on to other things. Should you live in Lagos and want to be a part of it please call 08133602883 or 07042178214or simply email Nancy.udeogu@verbatimcomms.com
It will be a joy to help you set the stage for your preferred outcomes this year. No matter what happens, it is my confidence that you will make it NeverTheLess.
Here is to your success!
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