Wisdom Wells Leaderschool
Wisdom Wells 2022
…where the mighty is watered!
Join Bidemi Mark-Mordi’s 6-month Comprehensive Coaching Program for Senior Leaders (12 Leaders Only)
June – November 2022
At Wisdom Wells, you would:
- Receive practical navigational tools for a consistently result-oriented leadership and life.
- Access breakthrough wisdom that will awaken your hope, faith, passion and inner strength, so that you produce from the finest places of your spirit and soul!
- Master a productive system for personal and professional life, so that you are not constantly burn-out or over extended, while doing the work you’ve been called to do!
- Become a part of a close-knit community of other purpose-driven leaders, drawing from one another’s unique giftings, expertise, and wisdom.
- Gain direct mentorship and coaching support from Bidemi Mark-Mordi, in a way that permanently marks how to see yourself, understand your mandate and serve those you’re sent to.
Access Bidemi Mark-Mordi revolutionary resources, books, podcasts and Media Replays so that you can build transformational learning around your schedule this year.
Join Bidemi Mark-Mordi in an exclusive 6-months Intensive Leadership Masterclass from March 2022 to August 2022
- Re-discover and embrace your unlimited potentials as a Christian leader.
- Re-Fuel your productivity and maximize your calling.
- Realign your perspective with heaven’s vision for you.
- Rekindle your passion as you blaze new trails for Christ.
Are you a Visionary Leader, Founder, Pastor, Coach with a minimum of 7 people on your team? Do you desire to expand your leadership influence, deepen your visionary clarity for the next decade, and elevate your results without overwhelm?
It is time to access the secrets of leaders, gain extraordinary depths of wisdom and unveil your higher identity for next-level Kingdom significance.
Wisdom Wells is an exclusive high-value mentorship experience that equips you with navigational tools to release your leadership potential at a whole new level, without losing yourself in the maze of more work and less time for the things that truly matter.
As a Leader who nourishes others, provides a compass for the future and builds a God-given vision with diligence, you deserve to come to the Well ever so often, for your own refreshing, so that you can be more and do more. This is the secret of Legacy Leaders – the practice of stepping away regularly into a safe space to refresh, recalibrate, and receive guidance for new seasons.
Do not run alone! Join a Visionary Community for Leaders like you!
Wisdom Wells is for you If…
- You are in a senior leadership position, CEO, Founder of Ministry, a Career Leader
- You know you are capable of more and seek to achieve more with your life
- Others look up to you for consulting and counseling, You need wisdom!
- You crave knowledge and seek the company of the wise
- You need to create a unique and memorable Brand Identity in 2022
- You need to keep yourself from burning out
- You seek wisdom to combat information overload, anxiety and insecurity?
- You know you have a voice, you love to help people but need to help yourself first.
- You’ve been working on your calling on and off, but not consistently and you know you’re not where you are supposed to be.
- You need high value and loyal relationships that align with your values
- You’re tired of not living your best life
- You are deliberate that the story must change for good this year 2022.
How Will Wisdom Wells Run?
6x Leader Master Class
The Leadership Masterclasses are modular-content delivered 100% online, so you can learn at your convenience and around your schedule. Every quarter, two Masterclasses are released on the learning app (available on iOS and Android), providing rare coaching into some of the most challenging areas of a Senior Leader’s life and work, for which they hardly often get grounded counsel.
Access to all BMM Books
All leaders in the Wisdom Wells Program gain free and full access to all copies of Bidemi Mark Mordi’s books! Every month, you can join Book Review Sessions for BMM’s Book of the Month, to fast-track your learning, maximize the community and accelerate your spiritual and professional growth!
Accountability and Growth Feedback Mechanism
We know that accountability unleashes potential, and we will work with you to get the best from the Coaching experience. BMM will receive your goals for the year, and you get to share progress made during the Live Retreats.
Core Leadership Masterclass Modules

Your Leader Brand
- Your leader brand
- Your leader posture
- The perfect blueprint
- Your leader calling
- Your leader’s toolkit
- Your leader nature

Your Leader Culture
- Your leader culture
- Kingdom pattern
- Building your leader culture
- Steward leader and servant leader
- Your leader relationship

Your Leader Vision
- Your leader vision
- Your leader imagination
- Begin with the end in mind
- Future ready

Your Leader Power-Circle
- Your leader community
- The leader engine room
- Relational currency
- Collaboration
- Co-networking
- Concentric circles

Your Leader Pain
- Your leader pains
- Fractured
- Growth pain
- Transitional pain
- The Bounce back

Your Leader Legacy
- Leader legacy
- Bottom-line thinking
- Refiring after retirement
*Bonus Lesson on ‘Soul Wounds’
My life engineering session with Pastor Bidemi Mark-Mordi in May 2020 couldn’t have come at a better time. In the midst of the pandemic when I felt sort of stuck and overwhelmed, the session helped kickstart some parts of my life that were latent or dead.
Over the years I have set goals in all the important areas – spiritual, family, career, social, etc, but I have always had the challenge of following through. The session helped break down my goals to bits that move the needle without being overwhelming. We were able to create a vision board that helps me see my goals at a glance. The most liberating part of the whole exercise for me was knowing that I can allocate as much time as possible to each of my goals and be productive in each area of my life. She gave specific recommendations down to books I needed to read and materials to research.
For me it is important that I did this with not just a great coach but a great coach that understands the spiritual and how it affects all other areas of our lives. One other great thing that came out of the session was fuel my passion for the girl child development.
Purpose University came to me at the right time. There I was looking at the life statement that did not quite balance. My asset (strengths) column was scarily short, and in my mind my liabilities (weaknesses) column was very long.
However, the time I committed intentionally engaging with the materials and nuggets revealed at how best to harness the gifts i.e., ‘raw materials” during Purpose University taught me to look at these assets and liabilities as a pool of resources; building blocks to achieve the best version of myself. I learnt to identify and utilize in an optimal manner these resources available to me to fulfil our purpose on the earth, which are to Produce, Multiply, Replenish, Subdue and Dominate. The tools were laid out; the path illuminated to walk in it. One’s mind is watered, the soul encouraged and the spirit fortified.
The course brought clarity and my takeaway is that Purpose is more than what I do, it is about who I am in Christ Jesus and I will get there, living intentionally day after day.
Cost, Payment Options and Details
Wisdom Wells Leaderschool is currently valued at $12,150.
This exclusive program is currently going for $5000.
For this fee, you will receive Exclusive Program All Access which includes:
- 6 Leadership Masterclasses
- 6 deep dive live sessions with BMM
- Virtual fireside chats with key leaders
- Access to all BMM’s books
- Bonus lesson