by | Jan 15, 2019 | Articles, Home, Life | 0 comments

DOUBT; A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.

I almost asked if you had ever experienced it. But then, that would be a rhetorical question. I think I am safely right to say that doubt has had its play station at the corners of everyone’s house at one time or the other.
I find it interesting that the things with the most impact in the world are the most unnoticed things. Perhaps because they are not physical; or maybe we are simply unaware. Doubt is one of those things that can bring a mighty man from being unbeatable to cowering away from battle.

So no, my post isn’t to add to how bad you already feel because this early in the year, a few things already have shook your faith and you are courting doubt. What I want to address is the shame or feelings of sell out that comes with doubt. A feeling usually so strong that for most of us, to admit that we doubt is like admitting to some horrible disease! Then, there is the look either of judgement or pity that others look at us with or that maybe we even look at others with simply because they have admitted that there are not feeling as high regarding their journey as when they started!

Remember Peter and that stint he had with Jesus when he walked on water in Matthew 14?
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Is it not amazing how within the space of those four verses, Peter went from having an extraordinary experience to sinking and shrieking in untold fear. Think about it, for him to have asked Jesus to ask him to come on the water, he obviously had some faith in Jesus. And the fact that he stepped out onto the water when Jesus gave the command also means he was confident that he was covered (I know for sure I wouldn’t step off of a boat in the middle of a sea just because one strange talking prophet said I could). Peter had seen the deeds of Jesus and had come to believe that this man was capable of anything; and he was right.

If that were the case, what went wrong? How did he come to the place where he suddenly forgot everything that he believed and quickly began to sink?
He saw the wind boisterous…
He was afraid….
And beginning to sink…
At some point (however briefly), it was no longer about Jesus for Peter. It was about the storm. It was about his fears!
Isn’t it kind of comforting for you to realise you are not the only one who has the tendency to doubt? Will you be amazed to know that it is the Peter in you and I that we play out in different ways. One minute, we believe God is everything and can do everything, the next day, we decide that God can resolve everything but (insert whatever intimidates you at the moment).
So why do we doubt? Why do we limit God in the moment when we are overwhelmed? Because we take our eyes off of our anchor and fix them onto our negatives (our challenges, ideologies, history, experiences and logic).

What I am coming to find out and I would like to share with you, is that doubt like distraction is part of life, and while you may not have the capacity to change it, you can rise above it.
Doubt, when walked through properly can birth the deepest kind of faith if you will latch on to the word of God and learn to live with the faith that you have at the moment, trusting that God has your back regardless.

The gist today, is I cannot promise that you won’t chance upon doubt again, but I can assure you that if you will let God hold your hand like Jesus did Peter to walk through it, you will arrive at your destination and it will not be late! The most beautiful thing about doubt is that it can become the bridge with which you cross to experience an even deeper walk of faith and growth.

So, yes, it is too early to doubt but that is your reality. Say to yourself, I will let God walk it out and I will still walk on water! Now repeat it again!

Embrace Your Super Power


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