Redefine Your Dream: Asking the Right Questions (Podcast)

by | May 30, 2014 | Archives, Articles, Podcasts, Resource, Transition | 0 comments

It is a good day to be alive, especially when you have a dream to wake up to! I am currently in Geneva, Switzerland and the only reason I made it here is because of my dream. An ability to define the right dream, has given me the opportunity of new experiences and learning over this last week that would otherwise have been impossible. It is amazing to be able to add value and learn so far from home.
Last week I told us we would be looking at a series on Definitions and today we have the second installment which deals with defining your dreams. To be able to follow and grasp all you need you will however need to listen to last week’s podcast which dealt with defining yourself. Now that you know who you are; jump right in to define your dreams. The following questions should help.
Please note that a dream in this context is beyond what we want to do; it is an express desire of God’s best for us.

WHY THIS DREAM? This is a question you ought to answer to ensure that you are living the right dream. If your dream for instance is to set up a home that cares for the aged; can you tell why you chose that specific expression of care? Does it have anything to do with your love for aged people, or do you feel a responsibility towards them that you cannot shake off? What exactly is the reason why of all the things you could be doing, you have chosen this? Do you have skills that you can use to resource this dream in case you have to do it all by yourself?
THE PURPOSE QUESTION: The natural flow from the ‘why this dream’ question, is ‘the purpose question’. This question is simply, why do I want to do this? How does this specific thing I want to do, impact upon the reason I am even on earth? In other words when I achieve this dream how will it impact upon destiny for me? How responsible do I feel towards achieving this dream? Will I view my life as incomplete if I don’t do this?
THE VALUE QUESTION: Next question will be how will my achieving this dream benefit my society? What value does it hold? Will my society be better when I fulfill this dream?? If yes, can you paint a vivid picture of how?
THE BELIEF QUESTION: For a dream to succeed, it must atake root in our belief systems. You need to ask yourself, ‘how does living and achieving this dream sync with what I believe in?’ Again, using the example of setting up a facility for caring for the aged, how will what you believe in support this dream? If you have a belief system that says that old people are precious and should be cared for, when you set up the facility for them, you will somehow ensure that caring for them is the primary focus, even when you have to earn an income doing that. How this will play out is, whenever there is a conflict of earning versus value, you will always naturally lean towards value.
THE MINDSET QUESTION: Our final question is; what does my mindset tell me about living this dream? Does my mind tell me that this is possible? Or does it tell me that I am not able to achieve it? This question is extremely important as it is ‘the expectation question’. No matter how well you are able to use the other questions to define your dream, until your mind agrees that you are able to achieve it, you may just be going round and round in circles.
Your dream is the reason why you are, your dream is the reason why even when you are gone in the flesh, you will still be. Living a dream is great, as long as you are living the right dream, for the right reason and you have the natural capabilities or resources to run with it. Your dream has to be supported by your belief system and should always add value to your society in one way or the other. Finally, if your mind can handle it, then achieving it becomes a possibility like no other.
Redefining your dream may seem like going backwards, but remember, every great building must have an enduring foundation, and defining your dream appropriately is the most important step to ensuring that your foundation is a solid one.
Keep dreaming… you will make it NeverTheLess.
Here is to your success!

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