This last week I was ill like I had not been in a long time, and that afforded me the opportunity while I was confined to my bed, to think about what else I needed for my journey. In that time, I also had the chance to listen to Heaven and what He wanted to say to me. That when it hit me, that while we all think that we know how to listen and learn, it is not exactly as easy as we think it is.
On this show you will learn that it takes intentionality to listen so we can hear and heed. You will learn that there is an atmosphere and posture conducive for listening. You will also find out that you need to keep the right to help you figure out the art of hearing. This show also will equip you to see that God speaks to us taking into cognisance our individuality and as a result will speak to us just the way we are equipped to hear Him. Finally, you will learn that to hear, we must be willing to listening, and in listening, it is possible to make mistakes.
I look forward to hearing your experiences especially in learning how to listen. We can continue the conversation on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Look for @BidemiMarkMordi
Embrace Your Super Power!