Have you ever heard the expression; “We didn’t come to this earth to gain our worth, we brought it with us”. I find this interesting and true. It...
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We live in a fast-paced world of microwaves, fast-food and fast cars; every day we encounter people who seem to be living on the fast lane. In fact,...
Do the Creative Best with Your Life
Taking responsibility for one’s actions is a very essential trait if we desire to succeed and find fulfillment. We must be willing to tell ourselves...
Find Your Truth and Live It
Everyone has a unique truth, a purpose... a destiny. No one was born to merely occupy space, we were all designed and uniquely “wired” to add a...
Would You Begin if You Didn’t Know Your Next Step?
Uncertainty is one word most people would like deleted from the dictionary. I mean, we’d prefer to know exactly what the future holds before we...
I am pretty sure that you have heard the expression; 'you can run but you can't hide'. Well, what if we stopped running altogether and learnt the...