by Bidemi Mark-Mordi | Feb 19, 2016 | Coaching, Life, Podcasts
To be able to deliver at the best level of our lives, one of the things we must seek to know is God’s original intent for us. What was God thinking when He was forming you? Even though we may chance upon success once in a while, most people who make it to destiny or...
by Bidemi Mark-Mordi | Feb 13, 2016 | Coaching, Leadership, Life, Podcasts
“The whole world is a narrow bridge. The important thing is to have no fear”. Hasidic Master Rabbi Nachman of Breslov Have you ever set a big goal then you suddenly became afraid or start to doubt if you could really achieve it? I have been there several...
by Bidemi Mark-Mordi | Feb 5, 2016 | Coaching, Leadership, Life, Podcasts
When you fall on your way somewhere, it is wisdom to go back and investigate what tripped you, to prevent another fall. (African Proverb) Everything is not always as it seems. Sometimes, it takes deep Reflective Thinking to realise that the process of achieving a goal...
by Bidemi Mark-Mordi | Jan 29, 2016 | Coaching, Leadership, Life, Podcasts
Every super achiever is someone who understands that his goal isn’t about him and is bold enough to accept that responsibility. He also knows that he needs at least one person who will hold him accountable to his goals and dreams while helping him grow. While some...
by Bidemi Mark-Mordi | Jan 23, 2016 | Leadership, Life, Podcasts
It’s a common thing for us at the beginning of each calendar year to make new resolutions and set new goals for the year. While many fail to follow through on their set goals, others simply lie helpless under the burden of the ‘big’ things they seem to need to achieve...